Agenda Item





Audit and Governance Committee

14th April 2021


Report of the Chair of the Audit Committee


Report of the Audit and Governance Committee




1          This report seeks Members’ views on the draft report of the Audit and Governance Committee for the period ended March 2021, prior to its submission to Full Council.  As a result of the COVID-19 national pandemic and the suspension of all meetings for a period of time during 2020, this report covers an extended period of time.  Following a meeting on 11th March 2020, meetings of the Audit & Governance Committee recommenced via a remote meeting on 15th July 2020. 




2          The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) has issued guidance to local authorities to help ensure that audit committees operate effectively.  The guidance recommends that audit committees should report annually on how they have discharged their responsibilities. 


Annual Report of the Audit and Governance Committee


3          A copy of the draft annual report of the Committee is attached at Appendix 1.  A copy of the Committee’s terms of reference as set out in Section 7, Part 3C of the Constitution is also attached to the report at Appendix 2, for information.




4          This report sets out the proposed wording of the Committee’s Annual Report. Members are asked to suggest alternative wording if necessary. 



5          Not relevant for the purpose of the report.

Corporate Priorities

6          This report contributes to the council’s overall aims and priorities by helping to ensure probity, integrity and honesty in everything we do. 



7          The implications are:


·               Financial – none

·               Human Resources (HR) – there are no HR implications to this report.

·               Equalities – there are no equalities implications to this report.

·               Legal – there are no legal implications to this report.

·               Crime and Disorder – there are no crime and disorder implications to this report.

·               Information Technology (IT) – there are no IT implications to this report.

·               Property – there are no property implications to this report.


Risk Management


8          Assurance in respect of the council’s arrangements for managing risk, the maintenance of effective controls including those designed to prevent and detect fraud, and compliance with relevant legislation, may not be provided if the Audit and Governance Committee does not effectively discharge its responsibilities.





9          Members are asked to:


Consider and comment on the Annual Report of the Audit and Governance Committee prior to its submission to Full Council.



To enable the Committee to fulfil its role in providing assurance about the adequacy of the council’s internal control environment and arrangements for managing risk and for reporting on financial and other performance.





Contact Details




Chief Officer Responsible for the report:


Emma Audrain

Technical Accountant

01904 551170



Janie Berry

Director of Governance & Monitoring officer

Telephone: 01904 551100



Report Approved





Specialist Implications Officers


Not applicable


Wards Affected:  Not applicable





For further information please contact the author of the report


Background Papers:







appendix 1- Report of the Audit and Governance Committee for the period to march 2021